Source code for fABBA.fabba

# Copyright (c) 2021, 
# Authors: Stefan Güttel, Xinye Chen

# All rights reserved.

import copy
import pickle
import warnings
import logging
import collections
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from functools import wraps
from dataclasses import dataclass
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from inspect import signature, Parameter

    try:# cython with memory view
        from .separate.aggregation_cm import aggregate as aggregate_fc 
        from .extmod.chainApproximation_cm import compress
        from .extmod.fabba_agg_cm import aggregate as aggregate_fabba 
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        from .extmod.chainApproximation_c import compress
        from .separate.aggregation_c import aggregate as aggregate_fc 
        from .extmod.fabba_agg_c import aggregate as aggregate_fabba 
        warnings.warn("Installation is not using Cython typed memoryviews.")
    from .extmod.inverse_tc import *
except (ModuleNotFoundError):
    from .chainApproximation import compress
    from .separate.aggregation import aggregate as aggregate_fc 
    from .fabba_agg import aggregate as aggregate_fabba
    from .inverse_t import *
    warnings.warn("This installation is not using Cython.")

class NotFittedError(ValueError, AttributeError):
    """Exception class to raise if estimator is used before fitting.

class Model:
    save ABBA model - parameters
    centers: np.ndarray # store aggregation centers
    splist: np.ndarray # store start point data
    """ dictionary """
    alphabets: np.ndarray # labels -> symbols, symbols -> labels

class Aggregation2D:
    """ A separatate aggregation for data with 2-dimensional (2D) features. 
        Independent applicable to 2D data aggregation
    alpha - float, default=0.5
        Control tolerence for digitization        
    sorting - str, default='2-norm', {'lexi', '1-norm', '2-norm'}
        by which the sorting pieces prior to aggregation
    def __init__(self, alpha=0.5, sorting='2-norm'):
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.sorting = sorting
    def aggregate(self, data):
        if self.sorting == 'lexi':
            ind = np.lexsort((data[:,1], data[:,0]), axis=0) 
        elif self.sorting == '2-norm':
            ind = np.argsort(np.linalg.norm(data, ord=2, axis=1))
        elif self.sorting == '1-norm':
            ind = np.argsort(np.linalg.norm(data, ord=1, axis=1))
        lab = 0
        splist = list() 
        labels = 0*ind - 1
        for i in range(len(ind)):
            sp = ind[i]
            if labels[sp] >= 0:
                clustc = data[sp,:] 
                labels[sp] = lab
                splist.append([sp, lab] + list(clustc))
                if self.sorting == '2-norm':
                    center_norm = np.linalg.norm(clustc, ord=2)
                elif self.sorting == '1-norm':
                    center_norm = np.linalg.norm(clustc, ord=1)

            for j in ind[i:]:
                if labels[j] >= 0:

                if self.sorting == 'lexi':
                    if ((data[j,0] - data[sp,0] == self.alpha)\
                        and (data[j,1] > data[sp,1])) or (data[j,0] - data[sp,0] > self.alpha): 
                elif self.sorting == '2-norm':
                    if np.linalg.norm(data[j,:], ord=2, axis=0) - center_norm > self.alpha: 
                elif self.sorting == '1-norm':
                    if 0.707101 * (np.linalg.norm(data[j,:], ord=1, axis=0) - center_norm) > self.alpha: 

                dist = np.sum((clustc - data[j,:])**2) 
                if dist <= self.alpha**2:
                    labels[j] = lab
            lab += 1

        return labels, np.array(splist)

def _deprecate_positional_args(func=None, *, version=None):
    """Decorator for methods that issues warnings for positional arguments.
    Using the keyword-only argument syntax in pep 3102, arguments after the
    * will issue a warning when passed as a positional argument.
    Paste from:
    func : callable, default=None
        Function to check arguments on.
    version : callable, default="1.0 (renaming of 0.25)"
        The version when positional arguments will result in error.
    def _inner_deprecate_positional_args(f):
        sig = signature(f)
        kwonly_args = []
        all_args = []

        for name, param in sig.parameters.items():
            if param.kind == Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:
            elif param.kind == Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:

        def inner_f(*args, **kwargs):
            extra_args = len(args) - len(all_args)
            if extra_args <= 0:
                return f(*args, **kwargs)

            # extra_args > 0
            args_msg = ['{}={}'.format(name, arg)
                        for name, arg in zip(kwonly_args[:extra_args],
            args_msg = ", ".join(args_msg)
            warnings.warn(f"Pass {args_msg} as keyword args. From next version "
                          f"{version} passing these as positional arguments "
                          "will result in an error", FutureWarning)
            kwargs.update(zip(sig.parameters, args))
            return f(**kwargs)
        return inner_f

    if func is not None:
        return _inner_deprecate_positional_args(func)

    return _inner_deprecate_positional_args

[docs] def image_compress(fabba, data, adjust=True): """ image compression. """ ts = data.reshape(-1) if adjust: _mean = ts.mean(axis=0) _std = ts.std(axis=0) if _std == 0: _std = 1 ts = (ts - _mean) / _std string = fabba.fit_transform(ts) fabba.img_norm = (_mean, _std) else: fabba.img_norm = None string = fabba.fit_transform(ts) fabba.img_start = ts[0] fabba.img_shape = data.shape return string
[docs] def image_decompress(fabba, string): """ image decompression. """ reconstruction = np.array(fabba.inverse_transform(string, start=fabba.img_start)) if fabba.img_norm != None: reconstruction = reconstruction*fabba.img_norm[1] + fabba.img_norm[0] reconstruction = reconstruction.round().reshape(fabba.img_shape).astype(np.uint8) return reconstruction
def _compress(series, tol=0.5, max_len=-1, fillm='bfill'): """ Compress time series. Parameters ---------- series - numpy.ndarray or list Time series of the shape (1, n_samples). tol - float The tolerance that controls the accuracy. max_len - int The maximum length that compression restriction. fillm - str, default = 'zero' Fill NA/NaN values using the specified method. 'Zero': Fill the holes of series with value of 0. 'Mean': Fill the holes of series with mean value. 'Median': Fill the holes of series with mean value. 'ffill': Forward last valid observation to fill gap. If the first element is nan, then will set it to zero. 'bfill': Use next valid observation to fill gap. If the last element is nan, then will set it to zero. """ series = np.array(series).astype(np.float64) if len(series.shape) > 1: series = series.reshape(-1) if np.sum(np.isnan(series)) > 0: series = fillna(series, fillm) return compress(ts=series, tol=tol, max_len=max_len) def _inverse_compress(pieces, start): pieces = np.array(pieces)[:, :2] return inv_compress(pieces, start) def symbolsAssign(clusters, alphabet_set=0): """ Automatically assign symbols to different groups, start with '!' Parameters ---------- clusters - list or pd.Series or array The list of labels. alphabet_set - int or list The list of alphabet letter. ---------- Return: string (list of string), alphabets(numpy.ndarray): for the corresponding symbolic sequence and for mapping from symbols to labels or labels to symbols, repectively. """ if alphabet_set == 0: alphabets = ['A','a','B','b','C','c','D','d','E','e', 'F','f','G','g','H','h','I','i','J','j', 'K','k','L','l','M','m','N','n','O','o', 'P','p','Q','q','R','r','S','s','T','t', 'U','u','V','v','W','w','X','x','Y','y','Z','z'] elif alphabet_set == 1: alphabets = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'] elif isinstance(alphabet_set, list) and len(alphabets): alphabets = alphabet_set else: alphabets = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'] clusters = pd.Series(clusters) N = len(clusters.unique()) cluster_sort = [0] * N counter = collections.Counter(clusters) for ind, el in enumerate(counter.most_common()): cluster_sort[ind] = el[0] if N >= len(alphabets): alphabets = [chr(i+33) for i in range(0, N)] else: alphabets = alphabets[:N] alphabets = np.asarray(alphabets) string = alphabets[clusters] return string, alphabets
[docs] class ABBAbase: def __init__ (self, clustering, tol=0.1, scl=1, verbose=1, max_len=-1): """ This class is designed for other clustering based ABBA Parameters ---------- tol - float Control tolerence for compression, default as 0.1. scl - int Scale for length, default as 1, means 2d-digitization, otherwise implement 1d-digitization. verbose - int Control logs print, default as 1, print logs. max_len - int The max length for each segment, default as -1. """ self.tol = tol self.scl = scl self.verbose = verbose self.max_len = max_len # self.compress = compress self.compression_rate = None self.digitization_rate = None self.clustering = clustering
[docs] def fit(self, series, fillm='bfill', alphabet_set=0): """ Compress and digitize the time series together. Parameters ---------- series - array or list Time series. alpha - float Control tolerence for digitization, default as 0.5. string_form - boolean Whether to return with string form, default as True. fillm - str, default = 'zero' Fill NA/NaN values using the specified method. 'Zero': Fill the holes of series with value of 0. 'Mean': Fill the holes of series with mean value. 'Median': Fill the holes of series with mean value. 'ffill': Forward last valid observation to fill gap. If the first element is nan, then will set it to zero. 'bfill': Use next valid observation to fill gap. If the last element is nan, then will set it to zero. """ if np.sum(np.isnan(series)) > 0: series = fillna(series, method=fillm) series = np.array(series).astype(np.float64) pieces = np.array(self.compress(series)) self.string_, self.parameters = self.digitize(pieces[:,0:2], alphabet_set) self.compression_rate = pieces.shape[0] / series.shape[0] self.digitization_rate = self.parameters.centers.shape[0] / pieces.shape[0] if self.verbose in [1, 2]: print("""Compression: Reduced series of length {0} to {1} segments.""".format(series.shape[0], pieces.shape[0]), """Digitization: Reduced {} pieces""".format(len(self.string_)), "to", self.parameters.centers.shape[0], "symbols.") self.string_ = ''.join(self.string_) return self
[docs] def fit_transform(self, series, fillm='bfill', alphabet_set=0): """ Compress and digitize the time series together. Parameters ---------- series - array or list Time series. alpha - float Control tolerence for digitization, default as 0.5. string_form - boolean Whether to return with string form, default as True. fillm - str, default = 'zero' Fill NA/NaN values using the specified method. 'Zero': Fill the holes of series with value of 0. 'Mean': Fill the holes of series with mean value. 'Median': Fill the holes of series with mean value. 'ffill': Forward last valid observation to fill gap. If the first element is nan, then will set it to zero. 'bfill': Use next valid observation to fill gap. If the last element is nan, then will set it to zero. """ return, fillm, alphabet_set).string_
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, string, start=0, parameters=None): """ Convert ABBA symbolic representation back to numeric time series representation. Parameters ---------- string - string Time series in symbolic representation using unicode characters starting with character 'a'. start - float First element of original time series. Applies vertical shift in reconstruction. If not specified, the default is 0. parameters - Model The parameters of model. Returns ------- series - list Reconstruction of the time series. """ if type(string) != str: string = "".join(string) if parameters is None: try: series = inv_transform(string, self.parameters.centers, self.parameters.alphabets.tolist(), start) except: raise NotFittedError("Please train the model using ``fit_transform`` first.") else: series = inv_transform(string, parameters.centers, parameters.alphabets.tolist(), start) return series
[docs] def compress(self, series, fillm='bfill'): """ Compress time series. Parameters ---------- series - numpy.ndarray or list Time series of the shape (1, n_samples). fillm - str, default = 'zero' Fill NA/NaN values using the specified method. 'Zero': Fill the holes of series with value of 0. 'Mean': Fill the holes of series with mean value. 'Median': Fill the holes of series with mean value. 'ffill': Forward last valid observation to fill gap. If the first element is nan, then will set it to zero. 'bfill': Use next valid observation to fill gap. If the last element is nan, then will set it to zero. """ return _compress(series=np.array(series).astype(np.float64), tol=self.tol, max_len=self.max_len, fillm=fillm)
[docs] def digitize(self, pieces, alphabet_set=0): """ Greedy 2D clustering of pieces (a Nx2 numpy array), using tolernce tol and len/inc scaling parameter scl. In this variant, a 'temporary' cluster center is used when assigning pieces to clusters. This temporary cluster is the first piece available after appropriate scaling and sorting of all pieces. It is *not* necessarily the mean of all pieces in that cluster and hence the final cluster centers, which are just the means, might achieve a smaller within-cluster tol. """ pieces = np.array(pieces)[:,:2] _std = np.std(pieces, axis=0) # prevent zero-division if _std[0] == 0: _std[1] = 1 if _std[1] == 0: _std[1] = 1 npieces = pieces * np.array([self.scl, 1]) / _std # replace aggregation with other clustering labels = self.reassign_labels(self.clustering.fit_predict(npieces)) # some labels might be negative centers = np.zeros((0,2)) for c in range(len(np.unique(labels))): indc = np.argwhere(labels==c) center = np.mean(pieces[indc,:], axis=0) centers = np.r_[ centers, center ] # self.centers = centers string, alphabets = symbolsAssign(labels, alphabet_set) parameters = Model(centers, centers, alphabets) return string, parameters
def reassign_labels(self, labels): old_labels_count = collections.Counter(labels) sorted_dict = sorted(old_labels_count.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) clabels = copy.deepcopy(labels) for i in range(len(sorted_dict)): clabels[labels == sorted_dict[i][0]] = i return clabels
# def inverse_transform(self, string, start=0): # pieces = self.inverse_digitize(string, self.parameters.centers, self.parameters.alphabets) # pieces = self.quantize(pieces) # series = self.inverse_compress(pieces, start) # return series # # # def inverse_digitize(self, string, centers, alphabetsap): # pieces = np.empty([0,2]) # for p in string: # pc = centers[int(alphabetsap[p])] # pieces = np.vstack([pieces, pc]) # return pieces[:,0:2] # # # def quantize(self, pieces): # if len(pieces) == 1: # pieces[0,0] = round(pieces[0,0]) # else: # for p in range(len(pieces)-1): # corr = round(pieces[p,0]) - pieces[p,0] # pieces[p,0] = round(pieces[p,0] + corr) # pieces[p+1,0] = pieces[p+1,0] - corr # if pieces[p,0] == 0: # pieces[p,0] = 1 # pieces[p+1,0] -= 1 # pieces[-1,0] = round(pieces[-1,0],0) # return pieces class ABBA(ABBAbase): def __init__ (self, tol=0.1, k=2, scl=1, verbose=1, max_len=-1): kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=0, init='k-means++', verbose=0) super().__init__(clustering=kmeans, tol=tol, scl=scl, verbose=verbose, max_len=max_len) def digitize(self, pieces, alphabet_set=0): """ Greedy 2D clustering of pieces (a Nx2 numpy array), using tolernce tol and len/inc scaling parameter scl. In this variant, a 'temporary' cluster center is used when assigning pieces to clusters. This temporary cluster is the first piece available after appropriate scaling and sorting of all pieces. It is *not* necessarily the mean of all pieces in that cluster and hence the final cluster centers, which are just the means, might achieve a smaller within-cluster tol. """ pieces = np.array(pieces)[:,:2] _std = np.std(pieces, axis=0) # prevent zero-division if _std[0] == 0: _std[1] = 1 if _std[1] == 0: _std[1] = 1 npieces = pieces * np.array([self.scl, 1]) / _std # replace aggregation with other clustering, axis=0)) labels = self.reassign_labels(self.clustering.fit_predict(npieces)) # some labels might be negative centers = np.zeros((0,2)) for c in range(len(np.unique(labels))): indc = np.argwhere(labels==c) center = np.mean(pieces[indc,:], axis=0) centers = np.r_[ centers, center ] # self.centers = centers string, alphbets = symbolsAssign(labels, alphabet_set) parameters = Model(centers, centers, alphbets) return string, parameters def get_patches(ts, pieces, string, centers, dictionary): """ Follow original ABBA smooth reconstruction, creates a dictionary of patches from time series data using the clustering result. Parameters ---------- ts - numpy array Original time series. pieces - numpy array Time series in compressed format. string - string Time series in symbolic representation using unicode characters starting with character 'a'. centers - numpy array Centers of clusters from clustering algorithm. Each centre corresponds to a character in string. ditionary - dict For mapping from symbols to labels or labels to symbols. Returns ------- patches - dict A dictionary of time series patches. """ pieces = np.array(pieces) patches = dict() inds = 0 for j in range(len(pieces)): symbol = string[j] # letter lab = dictionary[symbol] # label (integer) lgt = round(centers[lab,0]) # patch length inc = centers[lab,1] # patch increment inde = inds + int(pieces[j,0]); tsp = ts[inds:inde+1] # time series patch tsp = tsp - (tsp[-1]-tsp[0]-inc)/2-tsp[0] # shift patch so that it is vertically centered with patch increment tspi = np.interp(np.linspace(0,1,lgt+1), np.linspace(0,1,len(tsp)), tsp) if symbol in patches: patches[symbol] = np.append(patches[symbol], np.array([tspi]), axis = 0) else: patches[symbol] = np.array([ tspi ]) inds = inde return patches def patched_reconstruction(series, pieces, string, centers, dictionary): """ An alternative reconstruction procedure which builds patches for each cluster by extrapolating/intepolating the segments and taking the mean. The reconstructed time series is no longer guaranteed to be of the same length as the original. Parameters ---------- series - numpy array Normalised time series as numpy array. pieces - numpy array One or both columns from compression. See compression. string - string Time series in symbolic representation using unicode characters starting with character 'a'. centers - numpy array centers of clusters from clustering algorithm. Each center corresponds to character in string. ditionary - dict For mapping from symbols to labels or labels to symbols. """ if type(string) is list: string = "".join(string) patches = get_patches(series, pieces, string, centers, dictionary) # Construct mean of each patch d = {} for key in patches: d[key] = list(np.mean(patches[key], axis=0)) reconstructed_series = [series[0]] for letter in string: patch = d[letter] patch -= patch[0] - reconstructed_series[-1] # shift vertically reconstructed_series = reconstructed_series + patch[1:].tolist() return reconstructed_series
[docs] class fABBA(Aggregation2D, ABBAbase): """ fABBA: A fast sorting-based aggregation method for symbolic time series representation Parameters ---------- tol - float, default=0.1 Control tolerence for compression. alpha - float, default=0.5 Control tolerence for digitization. sorting - str, default='2-norm', {'lexi', '1-norm', '2-norm'} by which the sorting pieces prior to aggregation. scl - int, default=1 Scale for length, default as 1, refers to 2d-digitization, otherwise implement 1d-digitization. verbose - int, default=1 Verbosity mode, control logs print, default as 1; print logs. max_len - int, default=-1 The max length for each segment, optional choice for compression. return_list - boolean, default=True Whether to return with list or not, "False" means return string. n_jobs - int, default=-1 The number of threads to use for the computation. -1 means no parallel computing. Attributes ---------- parameters - Model Contains the learnable parameters from the in-sample data. Attributes: * centers - numpy.ndarray the centers calculated for each group formed by aggregation * splist - numpy.ndarray the starting point for each group formed by aggregation * alphabetsap - dict store the oen to one key-value pair for labels earmarked for the groups and the corresponding character string_ - str or list Contains the ABBA representation. * In addition to fit_transform, the compression and digitization functions are independent applicable to data. """ def __init__ (self, tol=0.1, alpha=0.5, sorting='2-norm', scl=1, verbose=1, max_len=-1, return_list=False, n_jobs=1): super().__init__() self.tol = tol self.alpha = alpha self.sorting = sorting self.scl = scl self.verbose = verbose self.max_len = max_len self.return_list = return_list self.n_jobs = n_jobs # For the moment, we don't use this parameter. # self.compress = compress def __repr__(self): parameters_dict = self.__dict__.copy() parameters_dict.pop('_std', None) parameters_dict.pop('logger', None) parameters_dict.pop('parameters', None) parameters_dict.pop('compress', None) parameters_dict.pop('n_jobs', None) # For the moment, we don't use this parameter. return "%s(%r)" % ("fABBA", parameters_dict) def __str__(self): parameters_dict = self.__dict__.copy() parameters_dict.pop('_std', None) parameters_dict.pop('logger', None) parameters_dict.pop('parameters', None) parameters_dict.pop('compress', None) parameters_dict.pop('n_jobs', None) # For the moment, we don't use this parameter. return "%s(%r)" % ("fABBA", parameters_dict)
[docs] def fit(self, series, fillm='bfill', alphabet_set=0): """ Compress and digitize the time series together. Parameters ---------- series - numpy.ndarray or list Time series of the shape (1, n_samples). fillm - str, default = 'zero' Fill NA/NaN values using the specified method. 'Zero': Fill the holes of series with value of 0. 'Mean': Fill the holes of series with mean value. 'Median': Fill the holes of series with mean value. 'ffill': Forward last valid observation to fill gap. If the first element is nan, then will set it to zero. 'bfill': Use next valid observation to fill gap. If the last element is nan, then will set it to zero. Returns ---------- string (str): The string transformed by fABBA. """ if np.sum(np.isnan(series)) > 0: series = fillna(series, fillm) # if self.n_jobs > 1 and self.max_len == 1: # pieces = self.parallel_compress(ts=series, n_jobs=self.n_jobs) # else: # # pieces = self.compress(ts=series) pieces = self.compress(series) self.string_, self.parameters = self.digitize( pieces=np.array(pieces)[:,0:2], alphabet_set=alphabet_set ) if self.verbose: _info = "Digitization: Reduced pieces of length {}".format( len(self.string_)) + " to {} ".format(len(self.parameters.centers)) + " symbols" if not self.return_list: self.string_ = "".join(self.string_) return self
[docs] def fit_transform(self, series, fillm='bfill', alphabet_set=0): """ Compress and digitize the time series together. Parameters ---------- series - numpy.ndarray or list Time series of the shape (1, n_samples). fillm - str, default = 'zero' Fill NA/NaN values using the specified method. 'Zero': Fill the holes of series with value of 0. 'Mean': Fill the holes of series with mean value. 'Median': Fill the holes of series with mean value. 'ffill': Forward last valid observation to fill gap. If the first element is nan, then will set it to zero. 'bfill': Use next valid observation to fill gap. If the last element is nan, then will set it to zero. Returns ---------- string (str): The string transformed by fABBA. """ return, fillm, alphabet_set).string_
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, string, start=0, parameters=None): """ Convert ABBA symbolic representation back to numeric time series representation. Parameters ---------- string - string Time series in symbolic representation using unicode characters starting with character 'a'. start - float First element of original time series. Applies vertical shift in reconstruction. If not specified, the default is 0. parameters - Model The parameters of model. Returns ------- series - list Reconstruction of the time series. """ if type(string) != str: string = "".join(string) if parameters is None: try: series = inv_transform(string, self.parameters.centers, self.parameters.alphabets.tolist(), start) except: raise NotFittedError("Please train the model using ``fit_transform`` first.") else: series = inv_transform(string, parameters.centers, parameters.alphabets.tolist(), start) return series
# deprecated # def compress(self, ts): # """ # Approximate a time series using a continuous piecewise linear function. # # Parameters # ---------- # ts - numpy ndarray # Time series as input of numpy array # # Returns # ------- # pieces - numpy array # Numpy ndarray with three columns, each row contains length, increment, error for the segment. # """ # # start = 0 # end = 1 # pieces = np.empty([0, 3]) # x = np.arange(0, len(ts)) # epsilon = np.finfo(float).eps # # while end < len(ts): # inc = ts[end] - ts[start] # err = np.linalg.norm((ts[start] + (inc/(end-start))*x[0:end-start+1]) - ts[start:end+1])**2 # # if (err <= self.tol*(end-start-1) + epsilon) and (end-start-1 < self.max_len): # (lastinc, lasterr) = (inc, err) # end += 1 # else: # pieces = np.vstack([pieces, np.array([end-start-1, lastinc, lasterr])]) # start = end - 1 # # pieces = np.vstack([pieces, np.array([end-start-1, lastinc, lasterr])]) # # if self.verbose: # self.logger = logging.getLogger("fABBA") # # "Compression: Reduced time series of length " # + str(len(ts)) + " to " + str(len(pieces)) + " segments") # # return pieces # def parallel_compress(self, series, n_jobs=-1): # """ # Approximate a time series using a continuous piecewise linear function in a parallel way. # Each piece is of length 1. # # Parameters # ---------- # series - numpy ndarray # Time series as input of numpy array # # # Returns # ------- # pieces - numpy array # Numpy ndarray with three columns, each row contains length, increment, error for the segment. # """ # from joblib import Parallel, delayed # x = np.arange(0, len(series)) # # def construct_piece(i): # inc = series[i+1] - series[i] # err = np.linalg.norm((series[i] + (inc)*x[0:2]) - series[i:i+2])**2 # return [1, inc, err] # # pieces = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( # delayed(construct_piece)(i) for i in range(len(series) - 1)) # # if self.verbose: # self.logger = logging.getLogger("fABBA") # # "Compression: Reduced time series of length " # + str(len(series)) + " to " + str(len(pieces)) + " segments") # # return np.array(pieces)
[docs] def compress(self, series, fillm='bfill'): """ Compress time series. Parameters ---------- series - numpy.ndarray or list Time series of the shape (1, n_samples). fillm - str, default = 'zero' Fill NA/NaN values using the specified method. 'Zero': Fill the holes of series with value of 0. 'Mean': Fill the holes of series with mean value. 'Median': Fill the holes of series with mean value. 'ffill': Forward last valid observation to fill gap. If the first element is nan, then will set it to zero. 'bfill': Use next valid observation to fill gap. If the last element is nan, then will set it to zero. """ return _compress(series=np.array(series).astype(np.float64), tol=self.tol, max_len=self.max_len, fillm=fillm)
[docs] @_deprecate_positional_args def digitize(self, pieces, alphabet_set=0): """ Greedy 2D clustering of pieces (a Nx2 numpy array), using tolernce alpha and len/inc scaling parameter scl. A 'temporary' group center, which we call it starting point, is used when assigning pieces to clusters. This temporary cluster is the first piece available after appropriate scaling and sorting of all pieces. After finishing the grouping procedure, the centers are calculated the mean value of the objects within the clusters. Parameters ---------- pieces - numpy.ndarray The compressed pieces of numpy.ndarray with shape (n_samples, n_features) after compression. alphabet_set - int or list The list of alphabet letter. Returns ---------- string - str or list) String sequence. parameters - Model The parameters of model. """ if self.sorting not in ["lexi", "2-norm", "1-norm", "norm", "pca"]: raise ValueError("Please refer to a specific and correct sorting way, namely 'lexi', '2-norm' and '1-norm'") pieces = np.array(pieces)[:,:2].astype(np.float64) self._std = np.std(pieces, axis=0) if self._std[0] != 0: # to prevent 0 std when assign max_len as 1 to compression, which make aggregation go wrong. npieces = pieces * np.array([self.scl, 1]) / self._std else: npieces = pieces * np.array([self.scl, 1]) npieces[:,1] = npieces[:,1] / self._std[1] if self.sorting in ["lexi", "2-norm", "1-norm"]: # warnings.warn(f"Pass {self.sorting} as keyword args. From the next version ", FutureWarning) labels, splist = aggregate_fabba(npieces, self.sorting, self.alpha) else: labels, splist = aggregate_fc(npieces, self.sorting, self.alpha) centers = np.zeros((0,2)) for c in range(len(splist)): indc = np.argwhere(labels==c) center = np.mean(pieces[indc,:], axis=0) centers = np.r_[ centers, center ] string, alphabets = symbolsAssign(labels, alphabet_set) parameters = Model(centers, np.array(splist), alphabets) return string, parameters
# [DEPRECATED] # def inverse_transform(self, string, parameters=None, start=0): # """ # Convert ABBA symbolic representation back to numeric time series representation. # # Parameters # ---------- # string - string # Time series in symbolic representation using unicode characters starting # with character 'a'. # # start - float # First element of original time series. Applies vertical shift in # reconstruction. If not specified, the default is 0. # # Returns # ------- # times_series - list # Reconstruction of the time series. # """ # # if parameters == None: # pieces = self.inverse_digitize(string, self.parameters) # else: # pieces = self.inverse_digitize(string, parameters) # # pieces = self.quantize(pieces) # series = self.inverse_compress(pieces, start) # return series # # # # def inverse_digitize(self, string, parameters): # """ # Convert symbolic representation back to compressed representation for reconstruction. # # Parameters # ---------- # string - string # Time series in symbolic representation using unicode characters starting # with character 'a'. # # centers - numpy array # centers of clusters from clustering algorithm. Each centre corresponds # to character in string. # # Returns # ------- # pieces - np.array # Time series in compressed format. See compression. # """ # # pieces = np.empty([0,2]) # for p in string: # pc = parameters.centers[int(parameters.inverse_alphabets[p])] # pieces = np.vstack([pieces, pc]) # return pieces[:,0:2] # # # # def quantize(self, pieces): # """ # Realign window lengths with integer grid. # # Parameters # ---------- # pieces: Time series in compressed representation. # # # Returns # ------- # pieces: Time series in compressed representation with window length adjusted to integer grid. # """ # # if len(pieces) == 1: # pieces[0,0] = round(pieces[0,0]) # # else: # for p in range(len(pieces)-1): # corr = round(pieces[p,0]) - pieces[p,0] # pieces[p,0] = round(pieces[p,0] + corr) # pieces[p+1,0] = pieces[p+1,0] - corr # if pieces[p,0] == 0: # pieces[p,0] = 1 # pieces[p+1,0] -= 1 # pieces[-1,0] = round(pieces[-1,0],0) # # return pieces # # # # def inverse_compress(self, pieces, start): # """ # Reconstruct time series from its first value `ts0` and its `pieces`. # `pieces` must have (at least) two columns, incremenent and window width, resp. # A window width w means that the piece ranges from s to s+w. # In particular, a window width of 1 is allowed. # # Parameters # ---------- # start - float # First element of original time series. Applies vertical shift in # reconstruction. # # pieces - numpy array # Numpy array with three columns, each row contains increment, length, # error for the segment. Only the first two columns are required. # # Returns # ------- # series : Reconstructed time series # """ # # series = [start] # # stitch linear piece onto last # for j in range(0, len(pieces)): # x = np.arange(0,pieces[j,0]+1)/(pieces[j,0])*pieces[j,1] # y = series[-1] + x # series = series + y[1:].tolist() # # return series # save model def dump(self, file=None): if file == None: pickle.dump(self.parameters, open("parameters", "wb")) else: pickle.dump(self.parameters, open(file, "wb")) # load model def load(self, file=None, replace=False): if file == None: parameters = pickle.load(open("parameters", "rb")) else: parameters = pickle.load(open(file, "rb")) if replace: self.parameters = parameters print("load completed.") else: return parameters @staticmethod def print_parameters(cls): print("Centers:") print(cls.parameters.centers) print("\nalphabetsap:") for i, item in enumerate(cls.parameters.alphabets.items()): print(item) @property def tol(self): return self._tol @tol.setter def tol(self, value): if not isinstance(value, float) and not isinstance(value,int): raise TypeError("Expected a float or int type.") if value <= 0: raise ValueError( "Please feed an correct value for tolerance.") if value > 1: warnings.warn("Might lead to bad aggregation.", DeprecationWarning) self._tol = value @property def sorting(self): return self._sorting @sorting.setter def sorting(self, value): if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("Expected a string type") if value not in ["lexi", "2-norm", "1-norm", "norm", "pca"]: raise ValueError( "Please refer to an correct sorting way, namely 'lexi', '2-norm' and '1-norm'.") self._sorting = value @property def scl(self): return self._scl @scl.setter def scl(self, value): if not isinstance(value, float) and not isinstance(value,int): raise TypeError('Expected a float or int type.') if value < 0: raise ValueError( "Please feed an correct value for scl.") if value > 1: warnings.warn("Might lead to bad aggregation.", DeprecationWarning) self._scl = value @property def verbose(self): return self._verbose @verbose.setter def verbose(self, value): if not isinstance(value, float) and not isinstance(value,int): raise TypeError("Expected a float or int type.") self._verbose = value if self.verbose == 1: self.logger = logging.getLogger("fABBA") logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s;%(levelname)s;%(message)s") @property def alpha(self): return self._alpha @alpha.setter def alpha(self, value): if not isinstance(value, float) and not isinstance(value,int): raise TypeError("Expected a float or int type.") if value <= 0: raise ValueError( "Please feed an correct value for alpha.") self._alpha = value @property def max_len(self): return self._max_len @max_len.setter def max_len(self, value): # if value == np.inf: # if not isinstance(value, float) and not isinstance(value,int): # raise TypeError("Expected a float or int type.") # # if value <= 0: # raise ValueError( # "Please feed an correct value for max_len.") if value == np.inf: raise ValueError("Please feed an correct value for max_len.") self._max_len = value @property def return_list(self): return self._return_list @return_list.setter def return_list(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("Expected a boolean type.") self._return_list = value @property def n_jobs(self): return self._n_jobs @n_jobs.setter def n_jobs(self, value): if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError("Expected a int type.") self._n_jobs = value
def fillna(series, method='zero'): """Fill the NA values Parameters ---------- series - numpy.ndarray or list Time series of the shape (1, n_samples). fillna - str, default = 'zero' Fill NA/NaN values using the specified method. 'Zero': Fill the holes of series with value of 0. 'Mean': Fill the holes of series with mean value. 'Median': Fill the holes of series with mean value. 'ffill': Forward last valid observation to fill gap. If the first element is nan, then will set it to zero. 'bfill': Use next valid observation to fill gap. If the last element is nan, then will set it to zero. """ if method == 'Mean': series[np.isnan(series)] = np.mean(series[~np.isnan(series)]) elif method == 'Median': series[np.isnan(series)] = np.median(series[~np.isnan(series)]) elif method == 'ffill': for i in np.where(np.isnan(series))[0]: if i > 0: series[i] = series[i-1] else: series[i] = 0 elif method == 'bfill': for i in sorted(np.where(np.isnan(series))[0], reverse=True): if i < len(series): series[i] = series[i+1] else: series[i] = 0 else: series[np.isnan(series)] = 0 return series