Source code for fABBA.jabba.jabba

import os
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import collections
import platform
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool as Pool
import multiprocessing as mp
import pandas, collections
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from .fkmns import sampledKMeansInter
from joblib import parallel_backend

    # # %load_ext Cython
    # !python3 build_ext --inplace
    from .compmem import compress
    if platform.system() == 'Linux':
        from .aggmem import aggregate # cython with memory view
        from .aggwin import aggregate # cython with memory view
    from .inversetc import *
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    warnings.warn("cython fail.")
    from .comp import compress
    from .agg import aggregate
    from .inverset import *

def symbolsAssign(clusters, alphabet_set=0):
    Automatically assign symbols to different groups, start with '!'
    clusters - list or pd.Series or array
        The list of labels.
    alphabet_set - int or list
        The list of alphabet letter.
    string (list of string), alphabets(numpy.ndarray): for the
    corresponding symbolic sequence and for mapping from symbols to labels or 
    labels to symbols, repectively.

    if alphabet_set == 0:
        alphabets = ['A','a','B','b','C','c','D','d','E','e',
    elif alphabet_set == 1:
        alphabets = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L',
                    'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 
                    'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 
                    'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 
                    'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']
    elif isinstance(alphabet_set, list) and len(alphabets):
        alphabets = alphabet_set
        alphabets = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l',
                    'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 
                    'y', 'z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J',
                    'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V',
                    'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']
    clusters = pd.Series(clusters)
    N = len(clusters.unique())

    cluster_sort = [0] * N 
    counter = collections.Counter(clusters)
    for ind, el in enumerate(counter.most_common()):
        cluster_sort[ind] = el[0]

    if N >= len(alphabets):
        alphabets = [chr(i+33) for i in range(0, N)]
        alphabets = alphabets[:N]

    alphabets = np.asarray(alphabets)
    string = alphabets[clusters]
    return string.tolist(), alphabets

class Model:
    save ABBA model - parameters
    centers: np.ndarray # store aggregation centers
    """ dictionary """
    alphabets: np.ndarray # labels -> symbols,  symbols -> labels

def general_compress(pabba, data, adjust=True, n_jobs=-1):
    if len(data.shape) > 3:
        raise ValueError("Please transform the shape of data into 1D, 2D or 3D.")
    elif len(data.shape) == 3:
        pabba.d_shape = data.shape
        data = data.reshape(data.shape[0], data.shape[1]*data.shape[2])
        pabba.d_shape = data.shape
    if adjust:
        _mean = data.mean(axis=0)
        _std = data.std(axis=0)
        if np.any(_std == 0):
            _std[_std == 0] = 1
        data = (data - _mean) / _std
        strings = pabba.fit_transform(data, n_jobs=n_jobs)
        pabba.d_norm = (_mean, _std)
        pabba.d_norm = None
        strings = pabba.fit_transform(data, n_jobs=n_jobs)

    return strings

def general_decompress(pabba, strings, int_type=True, n_jobs=-1):
    reconstruction = np.array(pabba.inverse_transform(strings, n_jobs=n_jobs))
    if pabba.d_norm is not None:
            reconstruction = reconstruction*pabba.d_norm[1] + pabba.d_norm[0]
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("The number of symbol is not enough to reconstruct this data, please use more symbols.")
    if len(pabba.d_shape) == 3:
        if int_type:
            reconstruction = reconstruction.round().reshape(pabba.d_shape).astype(np.uint8)
            reconstruction = reconstruction.reshape(pabba.d_shape)
    return reconstruction

[docs] class JABBA(object): """ Parallel version of ABBA with fast implementation. Parameters ---------- tol - double, default=0.5 Tolerance for compression. k - int, default=1 The number of clusters (distinct symbols) specified for ABBA. r - float, default=0.5 The rate of data sampling to perform k-means. alpha - double, default=0.5 Tolerance for digitization. init - str, default='agg' The clustering algorithm in digitization. optional: 'f-kmeans', 'kmeans'. sorting - str, default="norm". Apply sorting data before aggregation (inside digitization). Alternative option: "pca". max_len - int The max length of series contained in each compression pieces. max_iter - int, default=2 The max iteration for fast k-means algorithm. batch_size - int, default=1024 Size of the mini batches for mini-batch kmeans in digitization. For faster compuations, you can set the batch_size greater than 256 * number of cores to enable parallelism on all cores. verbose - int or boolean, default=1 Enable verbose output. partition_rate - float or int, default=None This parameter is to get the number of partitions of time series. when this parameter is not None, the partitions will be n_jobs*int(np.round(np.exp(1/self.partition_rate), 0)) partition - int: The number of subsequences for time series to be partitioned. scl - int or float, default=1 Scale the length of compression pieces. The larger the value is, the more important of the length information is. Therefore, it can solve some problem resulted from peak shift. auto_digitize - boolean, default=True Enable auto digitization without prior knowledge of alpha. Attributes ---------- params: dict Parameters of trained model. string_ - str or list Contains the ABBA representation. """ def __init__(self, tol=0.2, init='agg', k=2, r=0.5, alpha=None, sorting="norm", scl=1, max_iter=2, partition_rate=None, partition=None, max_len=np.inf, verbose=1, random_state=2022, fillna='ffill', auto_digitize=False): self.tol = tol self.alpha = alpha self.k = k self.scl = scl self.init = init if self.alpha == None: auto_digitize = True self.max_len = max_len self.max_iter = max_iter self.sorting = sorting self.verbose = verbose self.r = r self.partition = partition self.partition_rate = partition_rate self.temp_symbols = None self.symbols_ = None self.auto_digitize = auto_digitize self.d_norm = None self.d_shape = None self.eta = None # The coefficient applied to auto digitization. Needless to specify. self.fillna = fillna self.random_state = random_state
[docs] def fit_transform(self, series, n_jobs=-1, alphabet_set=0, return_start_set=False): """ Fitted the numerical series and transform them into symbolic representation. Parameters ---------- series - numpy.ndarray, 2-dimension or 1-dimension Univariate or multivariate time series n_jobs - int, default=-1 The mumber of processors used for parallelism. When n_jobs < 0, use all of available processors the machine allows. Note: For the univariate time series, if n_jobs = 1, PABBA will degenerate to fABBA, but the result may be diferent since PABBA use aggregated groups starting points for reconstruction instead of aggregated groups centers. alphabet_set - int or list, default=0 The list of alphabet letter. Here provide two different kinds of alphabet letters, namely 0 and 1. """, n_jobs=n_jobs, alphabet_set=alphabet_set) if return_start_set: return self.string_, self.start_set else: return self.string_
[docs] def fit(self, series, n_jobs=-1, alphabet_set=0): """ Fitted the numerical series. Parameters ---------- series - numpy.ndarray, 2-dimension or 1-dimension Univariate or multivariate time series n_jobs - int, default=-1 The mumber of processors used for parallelism. When n_jobs < 0, use all of available processors the machine allows. Note: For the univariate time series, if n_jobs = 1, PABBA will degenerate to fABBA, but the result may be diferent since PABBA use aggregated groups starting points for reconstruction instead of aggregated groups centers. alphabet_set - int or list, default=0 The list of alphabet letter. Here provide two different kinds of alphabet letters, namely 0 and 1. """ self.pieces = self.parallel_compress(series, n_jobs=n_jobs) self.string_ = self.digitize(series, self.pieces, alphabet_set, n_jobs) return self
[docs] def parallel_compress(self, series, n_jobs=-1): """ Compress the numerical series in a parallel manner. Parameters ---------- series - numpy.ndarray, 2-dimension or 1-dimension Univariate or multivariate time series n_jobs - int, default=-1 The mumber of processors used for parallelism. When n_jobs < 0, use all of available processors the machine allows. Note: For the univariate time series, if n_jobs = 1, PABBA will degenerate to fABBA, but the result may be diferent since PABBA use aggregated groups starting points for reconstruction instead of aggregated groups centers. """ series = np.asarray(series) if series.dtype != 'float64': series = np.asarray(series).astype('float64') len_ts = len(series) n_jobs = self.n_jobs_init(n_jobs, _max=len_ts) if len(series.shape) == 1: # Partition time series for parallelism (for n_jobs > 1 or = -1) if it is univarite self.return_series_univariate = True # means the series is univariate, # so the reconstruction can automatically # determine if should return the univariate series. if self.partition == None: if self.partition_rate == None: partition = n_jobs else: partition = int(np.round(np.exp(1/self.partition_rate), 0))*n_jobs if partition > len_ts: warnings.warn("Partition has exceed the maximum length of series.") partition = len_ts else: if self.partition < len_ts: partition = self.partition if n_jobs > partition: # to prevent useless processors n_jobs = partition else: warnings.warn("Partition has exceed the maximum length of series.") partition = n_jobs # for i in range(partition,0,-1): # if len_ts % i == 0: interval = int(len_ts / partition) series = np.vstack([series[i*interval : (i+1)*interval] for i in range(partition)]) if self.verbose: if partition != 1: print("Partition series into {} parts".format(partition)) print("Init {} processors.".format(n_jobs)) else: self.return_series_univariate = False pieces = list() self.start_set = list() p = Pool(n_jobs) self.start_set = [ts[0] for ts in series] pieces = [p.apply_async(compress, args=(fillna(ts, self.fillna), self.tol, self.max_len)) for ts in series] p.close() p.join() pieces = [p.get() for p in pieces] return pieces
[docs] def digitize(self, series, pieces, alphabet_set=0, n_jobs=-1): """ Digitization Parameters ---------- pieces - numpy.ndarray The compressed pieces of numpy.ndarray with shape (n_samples, n_features) after compression len_ts - int The length of time series. num_pieces - int The number of pieces. init - str Use aggregation, fast-kmeans or kmeans for digitization to get symbols. alphabet_set - int or list, default=0 The list of alphabet letter. Here provide two different kinds of alphabet letters, namely 0 and 1. """ series = np.array(series) len_ts = len(series) if len(series.shape) > 1: sum_of_length = sum([len(series[i]) for i in range(len_ts)]) self.eta = 0.000002 else: sum_of_length = len_ts self.eta = 0.01 num_pieces = list() for i in range(len(pieces)): num_pieces.append(len(pieces[i])) pieces = np.vstack(pieces)[:,:2] self._std = np.std(pieces, axis=0) if self._std[0] == 0: # prevent zero-division self._std[0] = 1 if self._std[1] == 0: self._std[1] = 1 if self.scl == 0: len_pieces = pieces[:,0] pieces = pieces * np.array([self.scl, 1]) / self._std max_k = np.unique(pieces[:,:2],axis=0).shape[0] if self.init == 'agg': if self.auto_digitize: # eta = 0.01 self.alpha = pow(60*sum_of_length*(sum_of_length - max_k)*(self.tol**2)/(max_k*(self.eta**2)*(3*(sum_of_length**4)+2-5*(max_k**2))),1/4) labels, splist = aggregate(pieces, self.sorting, self.alpha) splist = np.array(splist) centers = splist[:,3:5] * self._std / np.array([self.scl, 1]) self.k = centers.shape[0] elif self.init == 'f-kmeans': if self.k > max_k: self.k = max_k warnings.warn("k is larger than the unique pieces size, so k reduces to unique pieces size.") with parallel_backend('threading', n_jobs=n_jobs): kmeans = sampledKMeansInter(n_clusters=self.k, r=self.r, init='k-means++', max_iter=self.max_iter, n_init="auto", random_state=self.random_state) kmeans.sampled_fit(pieces) labels = kmeans.labels_ centers = kmeans.cluster_centers_ * self._std / np.array([self.scl, 1]) else: # default => 'kmeans' if self.k >= max_k: self.k = max_k warnings.warn("k is larger than the unique pieces size, so k reduces to unique pieces size.") with parallel_backend('threading', n_jobs=n_jobs): kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=self.k, n_init="auto", random_state=0).fit(pieces) labels = kmeans.labels_ centers = kmeans.cluster_centers_ * self._std / np.array([self.scl, 1]) splist = None if self.scl == 0: centers[:, 0] = one_D_centers(len_pieces, labels, self.k) string, alphabets = symbolsAssign(labels, alphabet_set) self.parameters = Model(centers, alphabets) self.num_grp = self.parameters.centers.shape[0] if self.verbose: print("Generate {} symbols".format(self.num_grp)) string_sequences = self.string_separation(string, num_pieces) return string_sequences
[docs] def transform(self, series, n_jobs=-1): """ Transform multiple series (numerical sequences) to symbolic sequences. Parameters ---------- series: numpy.ndarray, 2-dimension or 1-dimension Univariate or multivariate time series n_jobs: int, default=-1 The mumber of processors used for parallelism. When n_jobs < 0, use all of processors the machine allows. Note: if n_jobs = 1, PABBA will degenerate to fABBA for transfomation. """ if series.dtype != 'float64': series = series.astype('float64') n_jobs = self.n_jobs_init(n_jobs) if len(series.shape) == 1: # Partition time series for parallelism (for n_jobs > 1 or = -1) if it is univarite self.return_series_univariate = True # means the series is univariate, # so the reconstruction can automatically # determine if should return the univariate series. for i in range(n_jobs,0,-1): if series.shape[0] % i == 0: interval = int(series.shape[0] / n_jobs) series = np.vstack([series[i*interval : (i+1)*interval] for i in range(n_jobs)]) else: self.return_series_univariate = False string_sequences = list() start_set = list() if n_jobs != 1: p = Pool(n_jobs) for ts in series: start_set.append(ts[0]) string_sequences.append( p.apply_async(self.transform_single_series, args=(ts,)) ) p.close() p.join() string_sequences = [p.get() for p in string_sequences] else: for ts in series: start_set.append(ts[0]) string_sequences.append(self.transform_single_series(ts,)) return string_sequences, start_set
[docs] def transform_single_series(self, series): """ Transform a single series to symbols. Parameters ---------- series: numpy.ndarray, 1-dimension Univariate time series """ pieces = compress(series, self.tol, self.max_len) pieces = np.array(pieces)[:,:2] # pieces = pieces * np.array([self.scl, 1]) / self._std symbols_series = list() for piece_i in pieces: symbols_series.append(self.piece_to_symbol(piece_i)) return symbols_series
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, string_sequences, start_set=None, n_jobs=1): """ Reconstruct the symbolic sequences to numerical sequences. Parameters ---------- string_sequences: list Univariate or multivariate symbolic time series start_set: list starting value for each symbolic time series reconstruction. hstack: boolean, default=False Determine if concate multiple reconstructed time series into a single time series, which will be useful in the parallelism in univariate time series reconstruction. n_jobs: int, default=-1 The mumber of processors used for parallelism. When n_jobs < 0, use all of processors the machine allows. """ n_jobs = self.n_jobs_init(n_jobs) count = len(string_sequences) if start_set is None: start_set = self.start_set if start_set is None: raise ValueError('Please input valid start_set.') inverse_sequences = list() if n_jobs != 1 and count != 1: p = Pool(n_jobs) for i in range(count): inverse_sequences.append( p.apply_async(inv_transform, args=(string_sequences[i], self.parameters.centers, self.parameters.alphabets.tolist(), start_set[i]) ) ) p.close() p.join() inverse_sequences = [p.get() for p in inverse_sequences] else: for i in range(count): inverse_sequence = inv_transform(string_sequences[i], self.parameters.centers, self.parameters.alphabets.tolist(), start_set[i] ) inverse_sequences.append(inverse_sequence) if self.return_series_univariate: inverse_sequences = np.hstack(inverse_sequences) return inverse_sequences
[docs] def piece_to_symbol(self, piece): """ Transform a piece to symbol. Parameters ---------- piece: numpy.ndarray A piece from compression pieces. """ splabels = np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(self.parameters.centers - piece, ord=2, axis=1)) return self.parameters.alphabets[splabels]
[docs] def string_separation(self, symbols, num_pieces): """ Separate symbols into symbolic subsequence. """ string_sequences = list() num_pieces_csum = np.cumsum([0] + num_pieces) for index in range(len(num_pieces)): string_sequences.append(symbols[num_pieces_csum[index]:num_pieces_csum[index+1]]) return string_sequences
[docs] def n_jobs_init(self, n_jobs=-1, _max=np.inf): """ Initialize parameter n_jobs. """ if n_jobs > _max: n_jobs = _max warnings.warn("n_jobs init warning, 'n_jobs' is set to maximum {}.".format(n_jobs)) if not isinstance(n_jobs,int): raise TypeError('Expected a int type.') if n_jobs == 0: raise ValueError( "Please feed an correct value for n_jobs.") if n_jobs == None or n_jobs == -1: if platform.system() == 'Linux': n_jobs = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) else: n_jobs = os.cpu_count() # int(mp.cpu_count()) , return the available usable CPUs else: n_jobs = n_jobs return n_jobs
@property def tol(self): return self._tol @tol.setter def tol(self, value): if not isinstance(value, float) and not isinstance(value,int): raise TypeError("Expected a float or int type.") if value <= 0: raise ValueError( "Please feed an correct value for tolerance.") if value > 1: warnings.warn("Might lead to bad aggregation.", DeprecationWarning) self._tol = value @property def sorting(self): return self._sorting @sorting.setter def sorting(self, value): if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("Expected a string type") if value not in ["lexi", "2-norm", "1-norm", "norm", "pca"]: raise ValueError( "Please refer to an correct sorting way, namely 'lexi', '2-norm' and '1-norm'.") self._sorting = value @property def alpha(self): return self._alpha @alpha.setter def alpha(self, value): if value != None: if not isinstance(value, float) and not isinstance(value,int): raise TypeError("Expected a float or int type.") if value <= 0: raise ValueError( "Please feed an correct value for alpha.") self._alpha = value @property def max_len(self): return self._max_len @max_len.setter def max_len(self, value): if value != np.inf: if not isinstance(value, float) and not isinstance(value,int): raise TypeError("Expected a float or int type.") if value <= 0: raise ValueError( "Please feed an correct value for max_len.") self._max_len = value @property def partition(self): return self._partition @partition.setter def partition(self, value): if value != None: if not isinstance(value, float) and not isinstance(value,int): raise TypeError("Expected int type.") if value <= 0: raise ValueError( "Please feed an correct value for partition.") self._partition = value @property def partition_rate(self): return self._partition_rate @partition_rate.setter def partition_rate(self, value): if value != None: if not isinstance(value, float) and not isinstance(value,int): raise TypeError("Expected float or int type.") if value > 1 or value < 0: raise ValueError( "Please feed an correct value for partition_rate.") self._partition_rate = value @property def scl(self): return self._scl @scl.setter def scl(self, value): if not isinstance(value, float) and not isinstance(value,int): raise TypeError("Expected float or int type.") if value < 0: raise ValueError( "Please feed an correct value for scl.") self._scl = value @property def eta(self): return self._eta @eta.setter def eta(self, value): if value is not None: if not isinstance(value, float) and not isinstance(value,int): raise TypeError("Expected float or int type.") if value == 0: raise ValueError( "Please feed an correct value for eta.") self._eta = value @property def k(self): return self._k @k.setter def k(self, value): if not isinstance(value,int): raise TypeError("Expected int type.") if value == 0: raise ValueError( "Please feed an correct value for k.") self._k = value
class fastABBA(object): def __init__(self, tol=0.2, k=2, r=0.5, scl=1, random_state=2022, n_jobs=1, alphabet_set=0, max_len=np.inf, max_iter=2, verbose=True): self.tol = tol self.k = k self.r = r self.scl = scl self.max_len = max_len self.random_state = random_state self.verbose = verbose self.alphabet_set = alphabet_set self.kmeans = None self.max_iter = max_iter self.n_jobs = n_jobs def transform(self, series): series = np.array(series) pieces = self._compress(series) return self._digitize(pieces) def predict(self, series): if self.kmeans is not None: series = np.array(series) pieces = self._compress(series) pieces = np.array(pieces)[:,:2] pieces = pieces * np.array([self.scl, 1]) / self._std with parallel_backend('threading', n_jobs=self.n_jobs): labels = self.kmeans.predict(pieces) return self.parameters.alphabets[labels] else: raise ValueError("Please train the model first.") def _compress(self, series): return compress(series, tol=self.tol, max_len=self.max_len) def _digitize(self, pieces): pieces = np.array(pieces)[:,:2] max_k = np.unique(pieces, axis=0).shape[0] if self.k > max_k: self.k = max_k warnings.warn("k is larger than the unique pieces size, so k reduces to unique pieces size.") self._std = np.std(pieces, axis=0) if self._std[0] == 0: # prevent zero-division self._std[0] = 1 if self._std[1] == 0: self._std[1] = 1 if self.scl == 0: len_pieces = pieces[:, 0] pieces = pieces * np.array([self.scl, 1]) / self._std with parallel_backend('threading', n_jobs=self.n_jobs): self.kmeans = sampledKMeansInter(n_clusters=self.k, r=self.r, init='k-means++', max_iter=self.max_iter, n_init=1, random_state=self.random_state) labels = self.kmeans.sampled_fit_predict(pieces[:,:2]) if self.scl != 0: centers = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_ * self._std / np.array([self.scl, 1]) else: centers = self.kmeans.cluster_centers_ * self._std centers[:, 0] = one_D_centers(len_pieces, labels, self.k) self.string_, alphabets = symbolsAssign(labels, self.alphabet_set) self.parameters = Model(centers, alphabets) self.num_grp = self.parameters.centers.shape[0] if self.verbose: print("Generate {} symbols".format(self.num_grp)) return self.string_ def inverse_transform(self, strings, start): return inv_transform(strings, self.parameters.centers, self.parameters.alphabets.tolist(), start) def one_D_centers(data, labels, k): # for scl = 0 centers = np.zeros(k) for clust in np.unique(labels): centers[clust] = np.mean(data[labels == clust]) return centers # data = np.random.randn(10) # labels = np.array([1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0]) # one_D_centers(data, labels) def dtw(x, y, *, dist=lambda a, b: (a-b)*(a-b), return_path=False, filter_redundant=False): """ Compute dynamic time warping distance between two time series x and y. Parameters ---------- x - list First time series. y - list Second time series. dist - lambda function Lambda function defining the distance between two points of the time series. By default we use (x-y)^2 to correspond to literature standard for dtw. Note final distance d should be square rooted. return_path - bool Option to return tuple (d, path) where path is a list of tuples outlining the route through time series taken to compute dtw distance. filter_redundant - bool Control filtering to remove `redundant` time series due to sampling resolution. For example, if x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] and y = [0, 4]. The dynamic time series distance is non-zero. If filter_redundant=True then we remove the middle 3 time points from x where gradient is constant. Returns ------- d - numpy float Summation of the dist(x[i], y[i]) along the optimal path to minimise overall distance. Standard dynamic time warping distance given by default dist and d**(0.5). path - list Path taken through time series. """ x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) if filter_redundant: # remove points if len(x) > 2: xdiff = np.diff(x) x_keep = np.abs(xdiff[1:] - xdiff[0:-1]) >= 1e-14 x = x[np.hstack((True, x_keep, True))] else: x_keep = [] if len(y) > 2: ydiff = np.diff(y) y_keep = np.abs(ydiff[1:] - ydiff[0:-1]) >= 1e-14 y = y[np.hstack((True, y_keep, True))] else: y_keep = [] len_x, len_y = len(x), len(y) window = [(i+1, j+1) for i in range(len_x) for j in range(len_y)] D = defaultdict(lambda: (float('inf'),)) if return_path: if filter_redundant: x_ind = np.arange(1, len(x_keep)+1) y_ind = np.arange(1, len(y_keep)+1) x_ind = np.hstack((0, x_ind[x_keep], len(x_keep)+1)) y_ind = np.hstack((0, y_ind[y_keep], len(y_keep)+1)) else: x_ind = np.arange(len(x)) y_ind = np.arange(len(y)) D[0, 0] = (0, 0, 0) for i, j in window: dt = dist(x[i-1], y[j-1]) D[i, j] = min((D[i-1, j][0]+dt, i-1, j), (D[i, j-1][0]+dt, i, j-1), (D[i-1, j-1][0]+dt, i-1, j-1), key=lambda a: a[0]) path = [] i, j = len_x, len_y while not (i == j == 0): path.append((x_ind[i-1], y_ind[j-1])) i, j = D[i, j][1], D[i, j][2] path.reverse() return (D[len_x, len_y][0], path) else: D[0, 0] = 0 for i, j in window: dt = dist(x[i-1], y[j-1]) D[i, j] = min(D[i-1, j]+dt, D[i, j-1]+dt, D[i-1, j-1]+dt) return D[len_x, len_y] def fillna(series, method='ffill'): """Fill the NA values Parameters ---------- series - numpy.ndarray or list Time series of the shape (1, n_samples). fillna - str, default = 'zero' Fill NA/NaN values using the specified method. 'zero': Fill the holes of series with value of 0. 'mean': Fill the holes of series with mean value. 'median': Fill the holes of series with mean value. 'ffill': Forward last valid observation to fill gap. If the first element is nan, then will set it to zero. 'bfill': Use next valid observation to fill gap. If the last element is nan, then will set it to zero. """ if method == 'mean': series[np.isnan(series)] = np.mean(series[~np.isnan(series)]) elif method == 'median': series[np.isnan(series)] = np.median(series[~np.isnan(series)]) elif method == 'ffill': for i in np.where(np.isnan(series))[0]: if i > 0: series[i] = series[i-1] else: series[i] = 0 elif method == 'bfill': for i in sorted(np.where(np.isnan(series))[0], reverse=True): if i < len(series): series[i] = series[i+1] else: series[i] = 0 else: series[np.isnan(series)] = 0 return series